November 11, 2013

I have faced my fears
Things change / Things remain
Some where off, some time off,
I will be more whole than the wholeness that I feel now.
No matter who I have to love, no matter who you have to love
there will be difficult things to face, because thats life
we take paths,
we take journey's,
finding those stumbling stones & artistically forming them into building blocks we need.
We take that leap.
We take that dive into the unknown.

I balanced carefully on the railings of bridges,
because for the first time I had no fears,
I had nothing to lose and everything to gain at the same time.
I am living to just let things be.
The hard things, the good things.
I'm not suffocating them, I am just appreciating them while I can,
because before you know it a new chapter will have started and finished all the while you were busy worrying and allowing stress to run your life.


No matter how badly I wanted to stay in the summer of our romance forever, winter came.
The winter will come no matter how badly we want the summer to stay with us forever,
seasons of the year come and go as they please, but each essential to the growing process of plants and flowers ///
why would we try and fight the seasons of our lives?
This is a season I at first, struggled to accept.
I slipped out of the grasp of familiarity.
My soil is turned up, ready for new seeds to sow, new plants to burst up from my ground.
Vitality is not only persistent, but it is the bravery to start over.

I could of quietly stepped & slipped out of the room of our relationship with little to no surety,
spent my nights with tears hitting the pillow on repeat, and disappeared permanently
but I chose to face it, head on. I chose to accept it, with wide eyes, and an open mind.
To boldly and lovingly get the answers to my wandering and lingering questions.
We faced it together, out of love, out of caring for the other person.
You could have walked away, you could have been silent, you could of turned your back, but you didn't. You were brave too.

The sun may have set on this for a little time / but it will rise again tomorrow with hope & fresh starts.

Peace was found in the quite moments, in the spiritual reaching out of my soul.

I am free. I am brave.

post signature

( // a huge thanks to : gentri lee for snapping some photos of me on our weekend playdate )


  1. Aw, you are welcome!! I love how they turned out, so gorgeous! The lighting was perfect!
    You are so beautiful and inspiring. I am so proud of you, you can do this. I am always here for you!

  2. you are a beautiful soul. this is so gorgeous. all of it.
