I TAKE A DEEP BREATH as I type these words out because as much I'd do anything to be back in familiarity, we do not control the seasons of our lives. Some people have said that I look like I'm doing great with all the changes that I've been facing, I guess all I can say is I'm doing my best, but that somedays are better than others.
Sometimes we face change by choice, sometimes we are forced to accept change. I know that change can either make or break us. Change as of recently has done more breaking than making in my case. As I was taking my Sunday walk home from church these faded words screamed at me, "You've changed" I'm not sure why it hit me like it did, but I started thinking of everything that has changed for me. I stood there, staring down at these words, mulling over the idea of change, and I knew right there that it didn't matter how badly I didn't want to close this chapter, no matter what I did, it was not in my power to control the imminent change that had been in place. We can allow change to beautifully reshape our lives, or we can make change the enemy. Instead of making change my nemesis I will welcome it into my life as a friend, no matter how hard that might be to do right now in this very moment.
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