January 15, 2014

type THE KEY TO SUCCESS is actually getting motivated about what you're passionate about, actually setting things into motion. As a woman, I have to fight harder to be respected, not in all cases, but most. Feminism is a movement, as you and I both are aware of. Now, I embrace my feminim nature, I love that I am a woman, I love what being a woman means, what I stand for, and I love when a man treats me with respect. I don't want to be treated as an equal, I want to be treated with the highest form of respect that I can get, and I'm sure Aretha Franklin would agree. As women we want to be treated as equals, but that doesn't mean we have to conform to masculinity, that loses the whole purpose behind feminism. You have to act like a man to be treated as an equal woman? No, I don't think so. Men and women need each other, we both have to respect, come to realizations that it's not about just about WOMEN, and its not just about MEN, it's about our ability to work together to create greatness using our difference to compliment + design our worlds better future.
* R E S P E C T // it goes both ways
We as women work our way to the top everyday with extra effort, brilliance, and talent, all while having the responsibility, gift, and blessing of motherhood + nurturing. I would never want my work to take over + interfere with my family. For me, I want to be able to raise my children on a very personal level, I want to be a mom, but I am so passionate about my work, and I want to be the best at what I do. I shouldn't feel like I have to sacrifice one to have the other, both can be the most positive influences in our lives.
As women we aspire to be great, to do great, and to be the full package, flawlessly. We often allow our goal of perfection to hold us back from true progress. Set goals, have ambition, be confidently you, and hold yourself to a high standard of elegance, not perfection. As women we can often see each other as competitors, at least that has been my observation in a college atmosphere, what are we competing for more times than not? The attention of men, instead of accomplishments, education, and jobs. I see more times than I care to count, girls putting one another down.
See that's the difference between a woman and a girl. Girls push and knock each other down to feel better about themselves, women aspire to lift one another, to be a helping hand of confidence. Here's the thing, we as women all want to be successful, who doesn't? You have 24 hours to get your butt out there, to work hard, to create better, to be the best, so don't waste those moments gossiping, back bitting about how she isn't wearing the latest style and stressing over if that girl is going out with that guy or not. Girls worry about stuff like that, women do not.
As far as progressing in your business + education pursuits: you don't have the tools you need to get to where you want to be immediately? Then work on it. When there is a will there is a way. Luck is a myth, the best things don't just happen, the best things are formulated when hard work meets opportunity. Step back and seriously think about this for a minute, what have you done today that will further your future tomorrow? You have as many hours in a day as Beyoncé, and Forbes Magazine placed her on the top ten influential women in the world, you better get to work because great things happen to those who hustle.

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