HELLO THERE, just checking in for the weekend. Recently I've been collaborating a ton with people from Instagram, meeting people over social media has never been so easy, and also I'm sure if my parents are reading this they're probably scared for my well-being. So let me put their minds at ease and all my other parent like figures reading along. Sal and I met last year at a mutual friends wedding. *CRAZY FACT HOWEVER: Sal & I were following each other on Instagram before we even met, and then we did meet it was friendship at first sight. Anyways, moving right along...we found this little gold mine called, Pioneer Bookstore in Provo, Utah. If you haven't been yet, you need to. It's every book lovers dream. I just wanted to spend the whole day sitting in the windowsill reading F. Scott Fitzgerald and scanning the World Travel section.

P.S. The sun was out so naturally my heart was the happiest it could ever be.
I wish I could Pin one of these pictures. So beautiful.