We will worry too much if our hair is done just right.
We will act put together and deep breaths and try our best to be calm.
We will place that brave smile on our faces.
We will buy 3 pairs of shoes and still resort to our favorite worn out flats.
We will eat ice cream and laugh too loud.
We will cry too much, we might not cry at all.
We will wish that we were all 25 and living in a city, or backpacking through Europe wondering when it was that we actually found ourselves.
We will kiss tenderly, love deeply, and think profoundly.
We will be a little irrational, and we will fall in love with your potential.
We will give you too many chances.
We will think back to a time when we wished that you cared, all the same wishing you'd disappear.
We will cry the day you finally walk away, and celebrate when we finally learn to let go.
We will move on.
We will try a new hobby and embrace our old hobbies.
We will set new goals.
We will read books on life, on politics, on art.
We will find those butterflies again.
We will blush when you say something honest and sweet.
We will think of you in the lingering moments of the morning when our tea is slipping off our tongue.
We will hope you show up with sunflowers, daisies, roses, any kind of flower in your hand and say "just because"
We will pick at your thoughts and burrow inside your soul.
We will make you dinner using the ingredients of care, love, and sincerity.
We will try on a dress we think you might like, and then another, and another, and another, and finally slip one on that seems to fit the mood just right.
We will hold our breath when we walk down the stairs and hope you'll be breathless so we can let out a sigh of knowing, because we did pick the right one.
We will take too many photographs, and remember too many memories.
We will write poems about you on our hearts, even though you may never read them.
We will love you for your bold words, we will love you for your timid words.
We will slip into the silence of the evening and hope you might just knock on our door.
We will seem fearless, yet fear being vulnerable.
We will fall in love with cities we've never been too and the way you say our name.
We will have a favorite lipstick, perfume, and of course, jeans.
We will keep our heads held high.
We will do the impossible and we will love the challenge of accomplishing it.
We will sit down and stay up late, and we will write down our minds wanderings.
We will always be in love with someone, something, or some place,
we will be girls.
Absolutely lovely.