THE TITLE ABOVE is quickly becoming my mantra, I find myself writing it at the end of every journal entry. Throughout the last month I have really found myself, and found happiness again. In every aspect of trial and adversity, I have seen the blessings I have been so graciously given. I know I said that this blog wasn't going to be personal anymore, but how can I keep this all to myself? How can I be quiet and not share these things that are making my heart rejoice?
Don't get me wrong, many tears have been shed. Trails are hard. Life is hard. I think I cry at least once a week (no shame) But along with those tears, my eyes have been opened to the beauty that is life. There is a sense of radiance in my everyday life and I love it. I am more in love with my life more than ever. I am turning my trials into triumph. I feel at peace and I feel just overwhelmed with compassion. I've stopped worrying about my life, and I've really understood the essence of patience and timing. I've stopped being so self consumed, a huge issue with today's generations. I think we forget that our purpose here while on this earth is not ourselves, our purpose is others. I take a deep breath and realize that I really lost myself awhile back, and I didn't see it until now. It has taken time, it has taken the last two months, two months of anxiously engaging myself in trying to find what I was missing, where I lost a precious piece of me, but I am back, having found myself again in the midst of overcoming adversary, I am happy, I am whole. My heart is full, I am blessed.
Sometimes I think about how amazingly human it is that we cry, you know? That somehow are emotions manifest themselves physically as water that pools in our eyes. It's beautiful, right? And keep your blog as personal as you want, but it's your true personality, experiences and heart talks that are the very best to read about. You're fabulous, keep it up and get lunch with me. xxx Maddy