IT'S SO funny, how words we mistakingly say can change everything. Words that quickly leave our mouth without thought, or even the tangled ones that come at the center stage to present themselves. On that cold morning last week, there were words that did just that, tangled, too thought out for anyones good, spewing themselves all over my troubled mind.
"Sometimes it feels like you don't know who are"
I could see the immediate regret as the back peddling and stumbling to find direction from those words was clear. Yet, I stood strong, taking it the best I could, patient, giving those words the benefit of the doubt. I couldn't stop my heavy mind from wandering however.
"Who am I?"
Growing up I was heavily involved in theater, had I stuck to my high school "Where I'll be in 5 years" plan I would most certainly be crammed in New York City throwing every penny into my extensive training to someday end up on Broadway. In past journals I reference myself, right smack on that front page as, "Here I am", not to mention my first title when I started my premature blogging experience my sophomore year of high school, making myself present in the immediate moment, however, allowing room for my artistic interpretation.
F. Scott Fitzgerald once said, "Writers aren't people exactly. Or, if they're any good, they're a whole lot of people trying so hard to be one person"
Now I don't know if I'm any good. People read what I have to write, so I'm assuming I must be half descent, but then again you know what they say about people who assume.
What defines us? What makes us who we are? Our personal integrity and thoughts that we, with the help of others that have inspired, accumulate and create our mind sets.
The problem with us, you know the artists, the dreamers, the makers, the crazy ones, we can have an idea of whom we are but we give ourselves room to create who ever we'd like to be in a certain moment, because we are inspired, we are constantly seeking out creativity.
I am who I intend to be, a motto that I have embraced these past few days, because if my life is lived and my actions are done with intention then it comes from the very root of my soul, and I am what my soul is made up of, I am what I love, what I say, where I go. Deeper than all that - I understand my divine nature. Something that is not tangible, something that is so personal no one can see it at first glance. To see divine nature it takes time, because our personal knowledge of our potential, our future, who we are and why we are here - this is the truest form for measurement to see who it is we are exactly. So I embrace this fact, the one that I am not constant, I am not steady, I am not predictable, I am not basic - I am ever changing, I am moving forward, I am electric, and I am ornamentally detailed with thoughts, dreams, and desires. I am however constant in one thing - my divine nature, and that is who I am at the center of it all, and that is who I intend to be. Just because someone hasn't yet found out who I am does not mean that I do not already know.
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