THIS HAS been on my mind for quite some time, and this idea is one I've struggled with since I got here. Excuse the early morning ramblings, but this just needed to be said.
Life in our 20's is a world of it's own, that I love, that I cherish, all but one little tiny, yet huge detail: DATING.
You show interest? You're too invested.
You actually put forth effort? You care too much.
You start building feelings for this person after a couple weeks worth of dates? You're moving too fast.
The worst however: You're made a first priority? You've read it all wrong because,
you've been made the first priority, but you're still the second option, because their first is just right around the corner, isn't it? At least that's the idea that is provoked around here.
The fickle opinion when it comes down to what they want is cruel.
Then you have you have to people who are bold, brilliant, and like a shooting star graze your sights and presence for only a little while before they disappear into what seems like nothing. The problem is, everyone wants to feel needed, wanted, they have a void, some are larger than others. So what do they do? They fill this void. They fill it with laughter, late night conversation, and the false pretense that they might actually care. Games are vast, I've found myself tangled up in someone else's web more times than I care to count, ranging from not texting back for hours (even days), acting uninterested, saying how interested you are without really showing it, or even showing it and then just up and leaving the scene. Now with the sad but yet stingingly true fact, most people leave for the summer here in Provo, whether it's for internships, summer sales, visiting family, etc. etc. etc. That's the life of living in a college town in your 20's, but heaven forbid you actually try and make something work while the other person is gone, because today our mentality is the instant gratification. We want what we want, right now, without work, without sweat, without a couple of tears. The best things are always worth working for. So where does our fear lie? Where does the uncertainty take control? The biggest contradiction of it all is we give up a possible chance for something beautiful to blossom because we are all so busy chasing other possibilities.
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