October 25, 2014


Maybe that's a little on the harsh side, but thats what I seriously feel.
Sorry, I'm trying this new thing out where I write like I talk instead of writing how I think I talk.
If I had it my way Jane Austen and I would of been pen pals back in the day, except I would still have WiFi, Instagram, and Netflix.

WOW. Talk about a tangent.

Back to being on track.

Life is seriously so good. I can't get enough of it at the moment. Today I photographed the most beautiful wedding, I mean honestly, it was the best wedding I've ever done. You know why? There wasn't a million and one people there, just a handful. It was simple. It was direct. It was, I don't know how else to describe it but pure. The joy that I felt, and that I saw between those two people was contagious.

I've been thinking about choosing happiness, and obviously that was my goal for 2013, (actively choose to be happy) and this year my goal was to live with intent, and to allow things to just be. Now, they are goals for a reason (Obviously I am no where near to perfecting them AKA they are things I struggle with)


I have never been so confident in my choices. I have never felt so connected with myself. Maybe I'm just getting older and the feelings of nostalgia today have me on a high right now, but I truly think it's because I've focused on living with intent. Asking myself the tough questions in the otherwise brushed aside cases. *Ahem, "Am I really in love with how this person treats me as a friend? Am I really being respected in this environment?" etc. I've cut out some vile things in my life.

Is this what being a minimalist is all about? If so, I think I'm starting to get the hang of it.

Another thing is maximizing my time on the things I've already minimized. You know like you pick the five most important things in your life, and thats what you focus on. I've noticed I'm having more enriching experiences, and heartfelt memories because I'm not rushing through one thing just to get to the next. Each day I'm engaged in at least one thing that I love.

Also. I discontinued my iPhone *gasp
No really, I canceled my phone. I actually went through withdrawals, which is, lets be real, pathetic. It's done nothing but open my eyes to see how much other people aren't really paying attention, and also, on how little I was paying attention. You think I would have gotten better after I wrote this manifesto. But I assure you after two months my twitter was back, my snapchat was back, and my addiction to constant connections via internet world were out of control.

I can't tell you how nice it is to be free of that ball and chain because now my creativity is back and running free.

Simplicity holds all the answers, complicated is out of the question.

This is my life, and I love it.

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