I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that October has already said, "goodbye until next year!", and Rhett & I celebrated the first snow fall of the season yesterday,
*to be completely honest it was more like Rhett was celebrating/shouting for joy and I was showing my excitement through chattering teeth and wrapping myself up in a bajilion layers while snuggled on his couch scrolling through Pinterest. You think by now I'd have adjusted to the cold weather, but no.
October was bumpy, but provided so many gratitude and growth experiences. I was able to have so much perspective, and really make a point to be positive always, and not just when it was most convenient.
This life is a great one. I've noticed that I find myself saying that phrase out loud a bunch as of lately, but it's never been more true. I'm soaking the time up, and making the most of everything.
It's crazy to think that both summer and fall have quickly passed from us.
Rhett & I have been together for 6 months....is that even real?
(The top photograph is one that Rhett took, he just makes me so happy)
Six months I've had the best friend I could of ever asked for. I'm astounded really, at what we've become, and how we keep growing. It's funny to look back and see that just like the seasons, just like us, we keep transitioning. Anyways enough of the mushy and onto the recap!
+ My 50mm lens was finally purchased, which meant photos of everything and everyone
+ Carving pumpkins while listening to the Monster Mash & Thriller on repeat
+ Apple cider and carmel apples galore, but really. I've been living off apples.
+ Goal: stop focusing on myself, and start focusing on others.
+ Celebrating my not so little brothers birthday 2000 miles away
+ Spur of the moment date with Rhett to Communal ( so so so delicious! thanks bby)
+ And of course Halloween...
Halloween was such a kick for us, Rhett and I debated and struggled with what we wanted to be FOR WEEKS, trying to come up with the perfect costume. We involved both of our families, asking, and brainstorming for ideas. Finally Rhett had the most brilliant light bulb of a costume idea, "WE HAVE TO BE CALVIN AND HOBBES!" in which I was a little hesitant. In case you didn't know, there are absolutely no tiger costumes. None whatsoever. We searched store after store after store. So improvising was necessary. We found all our needed supplies at local thrift stores & party stores, and then on Halloween we got crafty and made our costumes together.
So now, I am publically announcing, that Rhett is a costume genius because I loved every minute of that Halloween, and I loved every second being Hobbes.
It was a wonderful October, and all I can say is that November, I love you already.
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