In this moment, I choose to be happy.
When rude comments are thrown my way,
Disappointments arise,
Unexpected bumps in the road,
Trials unwanted are placed in the journey,
I choose.
I make the choice,
to be offended,
to be sad,
to give up,
to be angry,
to be hurt.
But not anymore.
I stand open to change.
I stand with my face towards the sun, soaking up what I have been blessed with.
I choose to be happy.
I finally get it. More than ever, I finally understand.
God knows our outcomes, He knows our potential, He knows our destination.
Whether you believe in Him or not. He is there. He loves you.
We get the chance to have agency, to choose how our journey will go, which exact paths.
How liberating. How exciting.
We create our lives, and they can be happy or full of resentment and sorrow.
I'm not saying life isn't hard, because it is.
Life is hard. But we can find joy in the journey, knowing we will be taken care of.
Every moment is a fresh start.
Not just when you wake up each day, but literally, every second that passes by is a second in which we choose to change, for the best or for worse. Stop standing on the side lines of your life, go live.
Go do those things that you love to do. Work out. Get in shape. Be happy with the lifestyle that you're living. Eat healthy. Drink water. Write in your journal.
Feel the liberation of living the greatest life you have been given.
Make the choice.
Today, I choose happiness, I choose joy.
Thank you I needed to hear this today :)