Because somedays are harder than others, because somedays seem to just go better than perfect,
because somedays we conquer the giants placed before us fearlessly,
because somedays it feels like those giants are taking over our lives.
because somedays we have low points, and because somedays we have high points.
because somedays we lose a loved one, because somedays we find a lost soul.
we are all children of God, all striving to live life, and be happy.
and because of that the answer lies within our own sweet knowledge of that six word sentence,
"I am a child of God"
As I've searched and started really doing some inner cleaning, which isn't always easy.
you know when you sit yourself down and say, "okay, it's time to be honest with yourself"
"okay, it's time you stop that bad habit"
"okay, it's time to let that part of your life go, you need to move on"
I kind of made a list of things I needed to be better at, improve on, etc.
Recently I've been really focusing on my relationship with Christ, and I realized that in points of my life where I stood with a smile and I felt true joy, in (almost) every situation were during the times that I felt closest to Him and my Heavenly Father. These relationships give us courage and bravery, we know that we can overcome anything with God on our side.
But on top of courage and bravery, our hearts are filled with gratitude and humility.
Now I've been in situations that have been less than ideal, things I would never wish on anyone. Really, I'm not even exaggerating, and I know when I've told people that they laugh and go, "oh but your life is so put together" and I'm here to tell you that no ones life is perfect. We live in an age where everything we output is what everyone else inputs. No one is going to post a photo on instagram of their argument with their sibling, or the incident where a person was belittling you, or even the time where they came home crying from a terrible date. I'm here to tell you that everyone has their flaws, temptations, struggles, and hard times. It is not our job to find out what they are, or to draw focus to others stumbling blocks. It is our job however to lift them up.
That is what this gospel is all about, to help one another, but ultimately to continually becoming better. Not to excuse our faults, but to work on having them become strengths.
It seems to me that our individual worth plays a huge role in our actions, reactions, and mindsets. I know who I am, because I know whose I am. As I've really been on this journey of recommitting myself to the gospel, and giving it 150 percent, I've noticed that my communication with the Savior is not just in morning and evening prayer, but it is constant. I just talk to Him, and He listens, and then to show that He is listening, I see tender mercies happen that testify He is aware of me, and is mindful of my needs.
Life is not perfect.
No matter how hard we try, it will never be the ideal "perfect", but as our gratitude grows for what we have, and we stop focusing on what we want, we see that we have more than we could ever need.
God loves, and God knows. As we act on our faith, as we seek out what we need to do, Christ will give us the strength and the bravery to stand firm. With God, nothing is impossible.
Whether we need to speak kinder words,
whether we need to re-evaluate our definition of "dressing modestly"
whether we need to quit a bad habit,
whether we need to be a better friend,
whether we need to let go of negative feelings,
whether we need to have the courage to go through a big decision,
whether we are going through one of the most painful times in our lives,
We can do all things through Christ, His strength and love are infinite and His arms are outstretched.
You can overcome, you can grow, you can be the person that you are destined to be.
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