THIS year is just whizzing by me. And my lack of writing is really repulsive, or really religious to my new theory. I've tried the last week to be less disconnected to my phone, and technology in general. I mean I think blogging is wonderful, but I'd hate to sacrifice real moments for internet ones if you catch my drift. To be controlled by the internet, to be so attached and connected to our little squares of metals and wires, that my friends is not the way I want to live. I guess if I had to sit down and watch a movie of my life I would hate to see myself staring at a screen for the majority of the day, I would hate to say I missed weeding in the garden with my mom because I was too busy going over my final draft. I would hate to say that I walked away from playing a board game Sunday night with my family because I was too busy editing my own personal photos. That I missed out on hearty laughter, giggles, and memories that I would never ever want something as mechanical as metal to replace. We need to be more actively engaged in our lives and really know the people around us. I think the internet can be a sad place sometimes too, with a whole group of people trying to be somethings they're not, or trying too hard to be accepted, or just not being very uplifting (
that has been the case on my Facebook newsfeed, so either I need new friends or I need to just delete it). I guess really the theory I've been taking so far is I'd rather write with a pen on that smudged paper in my journal, that tangible leather book for my someday littles, and their future littles, to gather and to read rather than having them scroll through my memories in Georgia 12 point. I'm going to try and write, creativity and passionately in all the poems and words entangled in my heart, but when it feels right. Not scheduled. Not demanded. Not timed. But perfectly where the words flow and I have the quiet of the evening to myself, like tonight.
I'm really backing away from my focal point of "
this is my brand" and I'm redirecting it with
"this is my life, these are my stories, this is my good and wholesome soul."
So please know that I am not abandoning you,
Please know that I still love to write,
Please know that sometimes I will talk about the present, and sometimes I will just ramble,
Please know, I might give you all the details and maybe I will only talk generalities.
Please know that other things are just more important than the internet, and I think that is how it supposed to be.
Amen. Some people share tooooo much on the internet.