September 30, 2013

So once upon a time I stumbled on this ladies blog via Pinterest, and of course I did what any girl who loves things of that nature does, I found Hunter on Instagram & ultimately went through and liked all her pictures, and began adoring her to pieces. You may or may not know of @HunterKofford__ the fun little photo taker, and if you don't, you should. Anyways, through the beautiful power of social media & things of that nature, Hunter & I, spur of the moment were able to visit & grab a bite to eat at one of my favorite little places in Provo, Station22. Is it weird that one of my favorite things to do is meet people from the internet? I mean, at least they're really cool, right?
Hunter is basically the cutest Utah girl ever, born and raised, and I can't wait until the next time.
*A completely irrelevant side note: I can't stop wearing those liquid-leather-making-my-life-easier-and-warmer pants. And I got that shirt for FIVE BUCKS on sale at H&M. Score.
Anyways, this weekend was jammed pack, and when I say jammed pack, I mean, I barely had two seconds to breathe but that's okay because life is, as always, moving faster than I can keep up with, and to be honest, I don't mind it and I'm all smiles.
Besides meeting my new internet buddy, editing bunches and bunches of wedding photos, trying to keep warm, and having a slight issue with an unreasonable obsession for Krispy Kreme this week, I fell a little harder for my dear Rhett.
I swear to you, I have never loved anyone in the degree that I love Rhett and heres why,
Friday night after our Hot & Ready run to Krispy Kreme, (second time this week - see what I mean) I was feeling a little anxious and all I wanted to do was watch the Hunger Games, unfortunately we aren't the only love birds in our apartments and due to the lack of fully charged laptops/uncomfortable personal space we found ourselves wondering what to do at 10 o'clock at night without being in our apartments, driving very far or spending any money. Quite the combo. After waiting in the most perfectly timed traffic ( the BYU game had just got out, which in Provo means pedestrians refusing to obey any and all street laws, and cars driving in every available lane, including the bicycle one ) Rhett drove to a little park in Rock Canyon, turned the high beams on full blast, parked the car, got out, opened my door, helped me get out, he got back in, put in a hidden CD, turned up the volume, slipped back out, and at the most perfect timing asked me to slow dance with him in the lights of his car while we listened to good ole sweet John Mayer & Katy Perry sing that duet that melts my heart every time. Definitely beats watching the Hunger Games, sorry Katniss. ALSO. I can hardly believe it's been four months of butterflies, and having my best friend around, like I said, life is moving so fast, I don't mind it and I'm all smiles. Here's to hoping Monday doesn't kick my butt like I think it will.
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  1. love this!! and thank you for pointing me in Hunter's direction. she seriously does have the best instagram!! and lady, i am in the exact same situation. four months in with my Zac, and i have never experienced the kind of love that a feel for this boy! and the craziest part of it all is he feels the same way! he is the best thing to happen to me, and has already changed my life in so many ways. how is that even possible?! we have only known each other for four months?! i have no idea, but all i know is that i am just going with it, because being with him.... it's perfect.

  2. love the post! your hair is so cute!
