November 22, 2013

How things have changed around here.
I can hardly wrap my head around the fact that this is my 200th post over on this little blog, which is turning out to be not so little anymore. This past month I reached my 1 year anniversary for ST8 of MIND, and each day I am beyond grateful. Grateful for my readers, my friends, my family // the people who support me fully. Grateful for this tiny space on the internet that has kept my perspective in check, and my creativity in constant motion.
*also incredibly grateful to be able to be writing this from New York, from home. since this is where it all started.

It just seems like yesterday I wrote this number, with was my 100TH POST in which I dedicated to loving yourself, and this is a continuation of that.

At some point in our lives we will experience heart ache, no one goes through out life without feeling that sting.
Heartache might not be a breakup, it might fall in the form in losing a loved one to cancer, it might be that you don't get that job you really wanted, it might be failing that test,  or a falling out with a friend, an unwanted argument, an unexpected hiccup in your plans.
We all feel disappointment. Life will never go the way we exactly plan.
If there's one thing I want you to take away from this post, "CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY WITH YOUR LIFE"
Try your best, always. Have dreams, always. Set goals, and work toward those things, always. Never be idle. Don't beat yourself up if it doesn't work on the first try. Sometimes you just need to the courage to start over quietly in the roots of your being. Re-evauluate yourself. Are you happy? If not - change. Go back to square one. Go back to the drawing board. See your inspirations. Rediscover your passions.
We cannot control what happens to us, but we can control how we react. Be grateful. Be helpful.  Be willing to let go of those destructive and destroying attributes in your life. Stop the negativity. Stop the bad attitudes. No one else is going to make you soul deep happy right off the bat, you've got to do that yourself. Embrace your life with everything you have to offer.
Love yourself enough to make the choice to be the best version yourself, to choose happiness.
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  1. Amen.
    Love these photos, too.

  2. your blog is so lovely! thank you for stopping by my little space on the internet and introducing me to your blog!
    i can't wait to see your project life album in 2014!
    xoxo, Rachel
